# Installation First, ensure that you have a recent Python installed, since Fluidimage requires Python >= 3.9. Some issues regarding the installation of Python and Python packages are discussed in [the main documentation of the project](http://fluiddyn.readthedocs.org/en/latest/install.html). Here, we describe installation methods that do not involve local compilation. One can also install Fluidimage from source as described [here](./build-from-source.md). ## Install with pip ```{note} We strongly advice to install Fluidimage in a virtual environment. See the official guide [Install packages in a virtual environment using pip and venv](https://packaging.python.org/en/latest/guides/installing-using-pip-and-virtual-environments/). ``` Fluidimage can be installed without compilation with `pip`: ```sh pip install pip -U pip install fluidimage ``` ### Optional dependencies Fluidimage has 2 sets of optional dependencies, which can be installed with commands like `pip install fluidimage[opencv]` or `pip install fluidimage[opencv, pims]`: - `opencv`: [OpenCV](https://opencv.org/) can be used for some algorithms, - `pims`: [pims: Python Image Sequence](https://github.com/soft-matter/pims) is used to read `.cine` files. ## Install the conda-forge packages with conda or mamba We recommend installing `conda` and `mamba` (using the \[conda-forge\] channel) with the [miniforge installer](https://github.com/conda-forge/miniforge). Then, one can run: ```sh mamba install fluidimage ``` One can also create a dedicated environment: ```sh mamba create -n env_fluidimage fluidimage ``` The environment can then be activated with `conda activate env_fluidimage`.