# PIV computation in parallel with `TopologyPIV` This minimal example presents how to carry out a simple PIV computation. See also the documentation of the class {class}`fluidimage.topologies.piv.TopologyPIV` and the work defined in the subpackage {mod}`fluidimage.works.piv`. ```{literalinclude} piv_parallel.py ``` We now show a similar example but with a simple preprocessing (using a function `im2im`): ```{literalinclude} piv_parallel_im2im.py ``` The file `my_example_im2im.py` should be importable (for example in the same directory than `piv_parallel_im2im.py`) ```{literalinclude} my_example_im2im.py ``` Same thing but the preprocessing is done with a class `Im2Im` ```{literalinclude} piv_parallel_im2im_class.py ``` The file `my_example_im2im_class.py` should be importable (for example in the same directory than `piv_parallel_im2im_class.py`) ```{literalinclude} my_example_im2im_class.py ```