Source code for fluidimage.calcul.fft

"""FFT classes

Warning: it is more efficient to use not normalized FFT, so we'll do

.. autoclass:: CUFFT2DReal2Complex

.. autoclass:: CUFFT2DReal2ComplexFloat64

.. autoclass:: SKCUFFT2DReal2Complex

.. autoclass:: FFTW2DReal2Complex

.. autoclass:: FFTW2DReal2ComplexFloat64


from abc import ABC, abstractmethod

import numpy as np
import numpy.fft as np_fft
from transonic import Array, Type, boost

    import pyfftw
except ImportError:

    from reikna.cluda import any_api, cuda_api, ocl_api
    from reikna.fft import FFT
    from reikna.transformations import mul_param
except ImportError:

    import pycuda._driver
except ImportError:
        import pycuda.autoinit
        import pycuda.gpuarray as gpuarray
        import skcuda.fft as skfft
    except (ImportError, pycuda._driver.RuntimeError):

# if 'OMP_NUM_THREADS' in os.environ:
#     nthreads = int(os.environ['OMP_NUM_THREADS'])
# else:
#     pass

# It seems that it is better to used nthreads = 1 for the fft with
# small size used for PIV
nthreads = 1

A2d_complex = Array[Type(np.complex64, np.complex128), "2d"]

def _compute_energy_from_fourier(field_fft: A2d_complex, coef_norm: int):
    """Simple Pythran implementation of

        0.5 / coef_norm
        * (
            np.sum(abs(field_fft[:, 0]) ** 2 + abs(field_fft[:, -1]) ** 2)
            + 2 * np.sum(abs(field_fft[:, 1:-1]) ** 2)
    n0, n1 = field_fft.shape
    result = 0.0
    for i0 in range(n0):
        result += abs(field_fft[i0, 0]) ** 2 + abs(field_fft[i0, n1 - 1]) ** 2
        for i1 in range(1, n1 - 1):
            result += 2 * abs(field_fft[i0, i1]) ** 2
    return 0.5 / coef_norm * result

class OperatorFFTBase(ABC):
    """Abstract class for FFT operators"""

    coef_norm: int
    type_real: str = "float32"
    type_complex: str = "complex64"

    def __init__(self, nx, ny):
        shapeX = [ny, nx]
        shapeK = [ny, nx // 2 + 1]

        self.shapeX = shapeX
        self.shapeK = shapeK

        self.coef_norm = nx * ny
        self.coef_norm_correl = self.coef_norm**2
        self.coef_norm_energy = self.coef_norm**2

    def fft(self, field):
        """Forwards Fast Fourier Transform"""

    def ifft(self, field_fft):
        """Inverse Fast Fourier Transform"""

    def compute_energy_from_fourier(self, field_fft):
        """Compute the energy from a field in Fourier space"""
        return _compute_energy_from_fourier(field_fft, self.coef_norm_energy)

    def compute_energy_from_spatial(self, field):
        """Compute energy from a field in real space"""
        return np.mean(abs(field) ** 2) / 2

    def project_fft_on_real(self, field_fft):
        """Project a field in Fourier space onto the real manifold"""
        return self.fft(self.ifft(field_fft))

[docs]class CUFFT2DReal2Complex(OperatorFFTBase): """A class to use cufft with float32.""" type_real = "float32" type_complex = "complex64" def __init__(self, nx, ny): shapeX = [ny, nx] shapeK = [ny, nx] self.shapeX = shapeX self.arrayK = np.empty(shapeK, dtype=self.type_complex) # Pick the first available GPGPU API and make a Thread on it. api = any_api() # api = cuda_api() # api = ocl_api() dev = api.get_platforms()[0].get_devices() self.thr = api.Thread.create(dev) fft = FFT(self.arrayK, axes=(0, 1)) scale = mul_param(self.arrayK, np.float) fft.parameter.input.connect( scale, scale.output, input_prime=scale.input, param=scale.param ) self.fftplan = fft.compile(self.thr, fast_math=True) self.coef_norm = nx * ny
[docs] def fft(self, field): arr_dev = self.thr.to_device(field.astype(self.type_complex)) self.fftplan(arr_dev, arr_dev, 1.0 / self.coef_norm) return arr_dev.get()
[docs] def ifft(self, field_fft): arr_dev = self.thr.to_device(field_fft) self.fftplan(arr_dev, arr_dev, self.coef_norm, inverse=True) return arr_dev.get()
[docs] def compute_energy_from_fourier(self, field_fft): return np.sum(abs(field_fft) ** 2) / 2 / self.coef_norm_energy
[docs]class CUFFT2DReal2ComplexFloat64(CUFFT2DReal2Complex): """A class to use cufft with float64.""" type_real = "float64" type_complex = "complex128"
[docs]class SKCUFFT2DReal2Complex(OperatorFFTBase): """A class to use skcuda-cufft with float32.""" type_real = "float32" type_complex = "complex64" def __init__(self, nx, ny): super().__init__(nx, ny) self.fftplan = skfft.Plan(self.shapeX, np.float32, np.complex64) self.ifftplan = skfft.Plan(self.shapeX, np.complex64, np.float32)
[docs] def fft(self, field): x_gpu = gpuarray.to_gpu(field) xf_gpu = gpuarray.empty(self.shapeK, np.complex64) skfft.fft(x_gpu, xf_gpu, self.fftplan, False) return xf_gpu.get()
[docs] def ifft(self, field_fft): xf_gpu = gpuarray.to_gpu(field_fft) x_gpu = gpuarray.empty(self.shapeX, np.float32) skfft.ifft(xf_gpu, x_gpu, self.ifftplan, False) return x_gpu.get()
[docs]class FFTW2DReal2Complex(OperatorFFTBase): """A class to use fftw with float32. These ffts are NOT normalized (faster)! """ type_real = "float32" type_complex = "complex64" def __init__(self, nx, ny): super().__init__(nx, ny) self.arrayX = pyfftw.empty_aligned(self.shapeX, self.type_real) self.arrayK = pyfftw.empty_aligned(self.shapeK, self.type_complex) self.fftplan = pyfftw.FFTW( input_array=self.arrayX, output_array=self.arrayK, axes=(0, 1), direction="FFTW_FORWARD", threads=nthreads, ) self.ifftplan = pyfftw.FFTW( input_array=self.arrayK, output_array=self.arrayX, axes=(0, 1), direction="FFTW_BACKWARD", threads=nthreads, )
[docs] def fft(self, field): self.arrayX[:] = field self.fftplan() return self.arrayK.copy()
[docs] def ifft(self, field_fft): self.arrayK[:] = field_fft self.ifftplan(normalise_idft=False) return self.arrayX.copy()
[docs]class FFTW2DReal2ComplexFloat64(FFTW2DReal2Complex): """A class to use fftw with float64.""" type_real = "float64" type_complex = "complex128"
class NumpyFFT2DReal2Complex(OperatorFFTBase): """FFT operator using numpy.fft""" def __init__(self, nx, ny): super().__init__(nx, ny) self.coef_norm_correl = self.coef_norm self.coef_norm = 1 def fft(self, field): return np_fft.fft2(field) def ifft(self, field_fft): return np_fft.ifft2(field_fft) def compute_energy_from_fourier(self, field_fft): return np.sum(abs(field_fft) ** 2) / 2 / self.coef_norm_energy class NumpyFFT2DReal2ComplexFloat64(NumpyFFT2DReal2Complex): """FFT operator using numpy.fft""" type_real = "float64" type_complex = "complex128" classes = [ FFTW2DReal2Complex, FFTW2DReal2ComplexFloat64, NumpyFFT2DReal2Complex, NumpyFFT2DReal2ComplexFloat64, ]