
First, ensure that you have a recent Python installed, since Fluidimage requires Python >= 3.9. Some issues regarding the installation of Python and Python packages are discussed in the main documentation of the Fluiddyn project.

Here, we describe installation methods that do not involve local compilation. One can also install Fluidimage from source as described here.

Install with pip#


We strongly advice to install Fluidimage in a virtual environment. See the official guide Install packages in a virtual environment using pip and venv.

Fluidimage can be installed without compilation with pip:

pip install pip -U
pip install fluidimage

Optional dependencies#

Fluidimage has 2 sets of optional dependencies, which can be installed with commands like pip install fluidimage[opencv] or pip install fluidimage[opencv, pims]:

Install the conda-forge package with conda or mamba#

We recommend installing conda and mamba with the miniforge installer so that the packages will be uploaded from the conda-forge channel. Then, one can run:

mamba install fluidimage

One can also create a dedicated environment:

mamba create -n env_fluidimage fluidimage

The environment can then be activated with conda activate env_fluidimage.