Source code for fluidimage.calibration.calib_cv

"""2D/3D Calibration using OpenCV (:mod:`fluidimage.calibration.calib_cv`)

.. autoclass:: ParamContainerCV

.. autoclass:: SimpleCircleGrid

.. autoclass:: CalibCV


import os

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from matplotlib.patches import Rectangle
from matplotlib.transforms import Bbox
from scipy.interpolate import griddata

from fluiddyn.util.paramcontainer import ParamContainer
from fluidimage._opencv import cv2, error_import_cv2

[docs]class ParamContainerCV(ParamContainer): """A container to easily display OpenCV parameters""" def __init__(self, params_cv, tag="OpenCV"): super().__init__(tag) self._set_internal_attr("_params_cv", params_cv) attrs = { a: getattr(params_cv, a) for a in dir(params_cv) if not callable(a) and not a.startswith("__") } for key, value in attrs.items(): self._set_attrib(key, value) def _as_params_cv(self): params_cv = self["_params_cv"] for key in self._get_key_attribs(): value = self[key] setattr(params_cv, key, value) return params_cv
[docs]class SimpleCircleGrid: """Detect the centers of calibration target consisting of a grid of circle shaped points. Use it to detect the image points. """ @staticmethod def create_default_params(): if error_import_cv2: raise error_import_cv2 params_cv = cv2.SimpleBlobDetector_Params() # Slightly nicer defaults params_cv.filterByColor = False params_cv.minArea = 0.1 return ParamContainerCV(params_cv, "SimpleBlobDetector") def __init__(self, params: ParamContainerCV) -> None: self.params = params params_cv = params._as_params_cv() self.detector = cv2.SimpleBlobDetector_create(params_cv)
[docs] def detect_all(self, image: np.ndarray, debug=False): """Detects all blobs as per parameters without any constraints. Parameters ---------- image: array A calibration image of maximum intensity 255. debug : bool Plot the detected points and the bounding box """ image = image.astype(np.uint8) keypoints = self.detector.detect(image) if debug: plt.figure() for k in keypoints: plt.scatter(* if len(keypoints) == 0: raise ValueError("No blob detected") return keypoints
[docs] def detect_grid( self, image: np.ndarray, origin: tuple, nx: int, ny: int, ds: float, debug=False, ): """Detect a ``nx`` by ``ny`` circle grid centered around an origin. Parameters ---------- image: array A calibration image of maximum intensity 255. origin: tuple Origin / Principal point location in pixel coordinates nx, ny : int Shape of the grid, i.e. number of points ds : float Grid spacing in pixel coordinates debug : bool Plot the detected points and the bounding box """ keypoints = self.detect_all(image) # Add 1 so that the points at the edge of the bounding box are included w = (nx + 1) * ds h = (ny + 1) * ds originx, originy = origin bbox = Bbox.from_bounds(originx - w // 2, originy - h // 2, w, h) if debug: print(bbox) center_list = [] for k in keypoints: if bbox.contains(* center_list.append( centers = np.array(center_list) xround = np.round(centers[..., 0] / ds) yround = np.round(centers[..., 1] / ds) # Sort as a grid ind = np.lexsort((xround, yround)) # Add another dimension centers = np.array([centers[ind]], dtype=np.float32) if len(centers[0]) != nx * ny: raise AssertionError(f"Only {len(centers[0])} points were found") if debug: fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.imshow(image, cmap="gray") ax.scatter(centers[..., 0], centers[..., 1]) l, b, w, h = bbox.bounds ax.add_patch( Rectangle(xy=(l, b), width=w, height=h, edgecolor="r", fill=False) ) return centers
def construct_object_points(nx: int, ny: int, z: float, ds: float): """Prepare object points in world coordinates, as flattened list of coordinates such as:: (0,0,z), (1,0,z), (2,0,z) ....,(6,5,z) This format is expected by OpenCV's ``calibrateCamera`` function. Parameters ---------- nx, ny : int Shape of the grid, i.e. number of points z : float z-location in world coordinates ds : float Grid spacing in world coordinates """ objp = np.zeros((nx * ny, 3), np.float32) assert nx % 2 == 1 assert ny % 2 == 1 stepx, stepy = np.array((nx, ny), dtype=int) * 1j # nx, ny will refer the number of points on one side from now on nx = (nx - 1) // 2 ny = (ny - 1) // 2 objp[:, :2] = np.mgrid[-ny:ny:stepy, -nx:nx:stepx].T.reshape(-1, 2) * ds objp[:, 2] = z return objp
[docs]class CalibCV: """Calibrate a camera and save them as HDF5 files. Also use this to load saved calibrations and interpolate extrinsic parameters (rotation and translation) while reconstructing. """ def __init__(self, path_file="cam.h5"): if error_import_cv2: raise error_import_cv2 self.path_file = str(path_file) if os.path.exists(path_file): print(f"Loading {path_file}.") self.params = ParamContainer(path_file=self.path_file) def save(self, zs, ret, mtx, dist, rvecs, tvecs): self.params = params = ParamContainer(tag="CalibCV") params._set_attribs( { "class": self.__class__.__name__, "module": self.__module__, "f": np.diag(mtx)[:2], "C": mtx[0:2, 2], "cam_mtx": mtx, "kc": dist.T[0], "rotation": np.array(rvecs), "translate": tvecs, "zs": np.array(zs), } ) path_dir = os.path.dirname(self.path_file) os.makedirs(path_dir, exist_ok=True) if os.path.exists(self.path_file): print(f"WARNING: {self.path_file} already exists. Skipping save.") else: params._save_as_hdf5(self.path_file) def rotmtx_from_rotvec(self, rot_vec): rot_mtx, rot_jac = cv2.Rodrigues(rot_vec) return rot_mtx
[docs] def get_rotation(self, znew): """Linearly interpolate the rotation vector based on z location.""" rot_vec = griddata(self.params.zs, self.params.rotation, znew) return rot_vec
[docs] def get_translate(self, znew): """Linearly interpolate the translation vector based on z location.""" translate = griddata(self.params.zs, self.params.translate, znew) return translate
[docs] def calibrate( self, imgpoints: list, objpoints: list, zs: list, im_shape: tuple, origin=None, debug=False, flags=None, ): """Calibrate a camera based on a list of image points (in pixel coordinates) and object points (in world coordinates) and the z-locations (in world coordinates). Parameters ---------- imgpoints : list of arrays Image points in pixel coordinates. Use `SimpleCircleGrid` to detect them from a single calibration image. Append such image points from multiple calibration images in a list. objpoints : list of arrays Object points as produced by function `construct_object_points` constitute a single array. Likewise append them into a list for multiple calibration images. zs : list of float List of z locations of the calibration targes in world coordinates. im_shape : tuple of int Image dimensions in pixels. origin : tuple, optional Origin / Principal point location in pixel coordinates flags : int, optional OpenCV specific calibration flags debug : bool, optional Return the result if true, else save it as an XML file. """ # Initial guesses initial_mtx = np.eye(3) if origin is not None: # Origin / Principal point at center: initial_mtx[0:2, 2] = origin initial_dist = np.zeros((5, 1)) if flags is None: flags = ( cv2.CALIB_USE_INTRINSIC_GUESS + cv2.CALIB_FIX_K4 + cv2.CALIB_FIX_K5 ) result = cv2.calibrateCamera( objpoints, imgpoints, im_shape, initial_mtx, initial_dist, flags=flags ) if debug: return result else:, *result)