Source code for fluidimage.calibration.calib_direct

"""Direct calibration (:mod:`fluidimage.calibration.calib_direct`)

.. autoclass:: CalibDirect

.. autoclass:: DirectStereoReconstruction


import glob
import warnings
from math import sqrt

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import (

from fluiddyn.util.paramcontainer import ParamContainer, tidy_container

from .util import get_base_from_normal_vector, get_number_from_string

# from scipy.interpolate import CloughTocher2DInterpolator

    from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
except ImportError:

class Interpolent:

def get_points(points_file):
    """Get grid points extracted from calibration images"""
    imgpts = ParamContainer(path_file=points_file)
    imgpts = imgpts.geometry_calib.source_calib.__dict__
    points = [x for x in imgpts.keys() if "point_" in x or "Point" in x]

    # [X, Y, Z, x, y]
    results = [[], [], [], [], []]
    # X, Y and Z are coordinate in real space (physical unit)
    # x and y are the indices of the pixel in the image
    for point in points:
        numbers = get_number_from_string(imgpts[point])

        for i, result in enumerate(results):

    results = [np.array(result) for result in results]

    # particularity for Z
    results[2] = results[2][0]

    # particularity for X, Y, Z
    for i in range(3):
        results[i] /= 100.0

    return results

[docs]class CalibDirect: """Class for direct Calibration This calibration determine the equations of optical paths for "each" pixels Parameters ---------- glob_str_xml: None Path for grid points extracted from calibration images This files are given by UVMAT. example: 'Images/img*.xml' nb_pixels: (None, None) Number of pixels in the images pth_file: None Path of calibration file """ def __init__(self, glob_str_xml=None, shape_img=(None, None), path_file=None): if path_file: self.load(path_file) else: self.paths_xml = glob.glob(str(glob_str_xml)) if len(self.paths_xml) == 0: raise ValueError( "No xml file found. \n" 'glob_str_xml = "{}"'.format(glob_str_xml) ) self.nb_pixels_x = shape_img[1] self.nb_pixels_y = shape_img[0]
[docs] def compute_interpolents(self, interpolator=LinearNDInterpolator): """Compute interpolents Create an object Interpolent (self.interp_levels) containing interpolents to switch from indices of pixels to physical coordinates. - indices_pixel2xphys - indices_pixel2yphys - phys2index_x_pixel - phys2index_y_pixel - zphys There are as many interpolents of each sort as numbers of planes (z values). """ interp = Interpolent() interp.indices_pixel2xphys = [] interp.indices_pixel2yphys = [] interp.phys2index_x_pixel = [] interp.phys2index_y_pixel = [] interp.Z = [] for i, path in enumerate(self.paths_xml): # naming convention: # X, Y and Z are coordinate in real space (physical unit) # x and y are the indices of the pixel in the image X, Y, Z, x, y = get_points(path) interp.Z.append(Z) interp.indices_pixel2xphys.append(interpolator((x, y), X)) interp.indices_pixel2yphys.append(interpolator((x, y), Y)) interp.phys2index_x_pixel.append(interpolator((X, Y), x)) interp.phys2index_y_pixel.append(interpolator((X, Y), y)) self.interp_levels = interp
[docs] def compute_interpolents_pixel2line(self, nb_lines_x, nb_lines_y, test=False): """Compute interpolents for parameters for each optical path. The number of optical paths is given by nb_lines_x * nb_lines_y. Optical paths are defined with a point x0, y0, z0 and a vector dx, dy, dz. """ xtmp = np.unique(np.floor(np.linspace(0, self.nb_pixels_x, nb_lines_x))) ytmp = np.unique(np.floor(np.linspace(0, self.nb_pixels_y, nb_lines_y))) x, y = np.meshgrid(xtmp, ytmp) x = x.transpose() y = y.transpose() V = np.zeros((x.shape[0], x.shape[1], 6)) xtrue = [] ytrue = [] vtrue = [] xfalse = [] yfalse = [] indi = [] indj = [] for i in range(x.shape[0]): for j in range(x.shape[1]): tmp = self.pixel2line(x[i, j], y[i, j]) if np.isnan(tmp[0]): xfalse.append(x[i, j]) yfalse.append(y[i, j]) indi.append(i) indj.append(j) else: V[i, j, :] = tmp xtrue.append(x[i, j]) ytrue.append(y[i, j]) vtrue.append(tmp) if test: titles = ["X0", "Y0", "Z0", "dx", "dy", "dz"] for j in range(6): fig, ax = plt.subplots() quad_mesh = ax.pcolormesh(x, y, V[:, :, j], shading="nearest") fig.suptitle(titles[j]) ax.set_xlabel("x (pix)") ax.set_ylabel("y (pix)") fig.colorbar(quad_mesh) fig, ax = plt.subplots() c = ax.pcolormesh( x, y, np.sqrt(V[:, :, 3] ** 2 + V[:, :, 4] ** 2 + V[:, :, 5] ** 2), shading="nearest", ) fig.suptitle("norm(d)") ax.set_xlabel("x (pix)") ax.set_ylabel("y (pix)") fig.colorbar(quad_mesh) vtrue = np.array(vtrue) for j in range(6): V[indi, indj, j] = griddata( (xtrue, ytrue), vtrue[:, j], (xfalse, yfalse) ) interp = [] for i in range(6): interp.append(RegularGridInterpolator((xtmp, ytmp), V[:, :, i])) self.interp_lines = interp
[docs] def pixel2line(self, indx, indy): """Compute parameters of the optical path for a pixel An optical path is defined with a point x0, y0, z0 and a vector dx, dy, dz. """ interp = self.interp_levels X = [] Y = [] Z = interp.Z for i in range(len(Z)): X.append((interp.indices_pixel2xphys[i]((indx, indy)))) Y.append((interp.indices_pixel2yphys[i]((indx, indy)))) X = np.array(X) Y = np.array(Y) XYZ = np.vstack([X, Y, Z]).transpose() with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore", category=RuntimeWarning) XYZ0 = np.nanmean(XYZ, 0) XYZ -= XYZ0 ind = ~np.isnan(X + Y) XYZ = XYZ[ind, :] if XYZ.shape[0] > 1: arg = np.argsort(XYZ[:, 2]) XYZ = XYZ[arg, :] u, s, v = np.linalg.svd(XYZ, full_matrices=True, compute_uv=1) direction = np.cross(v[-1, :], v[-2, :]) if direction[2] < 0: direction = -direction return np.hstack([XYZ0, direction]) else: return np.hstack([np.nan] * 6)
[docs] def save(self, pth_file): """Save calibration""" np.savez( pth_file, interp_lines=self.interp_lines, paths_xml=self.paths_xml, nb_pixels_x=self.nb_pixels_x, nb_pixels_y=self.nb_pixels_y, )
[docs] def load(self, pth_file): """Load calibration""" tmp = np.load(pth_file, allow_pickle=True) self.interp_lines = tmp["interp_lines"] self.paths_xml = tmp["paths_xml"] self.nb_pixels_x = tmp["nb_pixels_x"] self.nb_pixels_y = tmp["nb_pixels_y"]
[docs] def intersect_with_plane(self, indx, indy, a, b, c, d): """Find intersection with the line associated to the pixel indx, indy and a plane defined by ax + by + cz + d = 0 """ x0 = self.interp_lines[0]((indx, indy)) y0 = self.interp_lines[1]((indx, indy)) z0 = self.interp_lines[2]((indx, indy)) dx = self.interp_lines[3]((indx, indy)) dy = self.interp_lines[4]((indx, indy)) dz = self.interp_lines[5]((indx, indy)) # fmt: off t = -(a*x0 + b*y0 + c*z0 + d) / (a*dx + b*dy + c*dz) # fmt: on physical_coords = np.array([x0 + t * dx, y0 + t * dy, z0 + t * dz]) return physical_coords.transpose()
[docs] def apply_calib(self, indx, indy, dx, dy, a, b, c, d): """Gives the projection of the real displacement projected on each camera plane and then projected on the laser plane """ displacements = self.intersect_with_plane( indx + dx / 2.0, indy + dy / 2.0, a, b, c, d ) - self.intersect_with_plane( indx - dx / 2.0, indy - dy / 2.0, a, b, c, d ) return displacements
[docs] def get_base_camera_plane(self, indx=None, indy=None): """Matrix of base change from camera plane to fixed plane""" if indx is None: indx = range(self.nb_pixels_x // 2 - 20, self.nb_pixels_x // 2 + 20) indy = range(self.nb_pixels_y // 2 - 20, self.nb_pixels_y // 2 + 20) indx, indy = np.meshgrid(indx, indy) dx = np.nanmean(self.interp_lines[3]((indx, indy))) dy = np.nanmean(self.interp_lines[4]((indx, indy))) dz = np.nanmean(self.interp_lines[5]((indx, indy))) A, B = get_base_from_normal_vector(dx, dy, dz) return A, B
[docs] def check_interp_levels(self, number=100): """Plot to check interp_levels""" interp = self.interp_levels indx = range(0, self.nb_pixels_x, self.nb_pixels_x // number) indy = range(0, self.nb_pixels_y, self.nb_pixels_y // number) indx, indy = np.meshgrid(indx, indy) Z = interp.Z for i in range(len(Z)): X = interp.indices_pixel2xphys[i]((indx, indy)) Y = interp.indices_pixel2yphys[i]((indx, indy)) fig, ax = plt.subplots() quad_mesh = ax.pcolormesh(indx, indy, X, shading="nearest") fig.suptitle(f"Level {i}, X") ax.set_xlabel("x (pix)") ax.set_ylabel("y (pix)") fig.colorbar(quad_mesh) fig, ax = plt.subplots() quad_mesh = ax.pcolormesh(indx, indy, Y, shading="nearest") fig.suptitle(f"Level {i}, Y") ax.set_xlabel("x (pix)") ax.set_ylabel("y (pix)") fig.colorbar(quad_mesh)
[docs] def check_interp_lines(self, number=10): """Plot to check interp_lines""" fig = fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax = Axes3D(fig, auto_add_to_figure=False) fig.add_axes(ax) for i, path in enumerate(self.paths_xml): X, Y, Z, x, y = get_points(path) ax.scatter(X, Y, Z, marker=".", color="blue") x = range(0, self.nb_pixels_x, self.nb_pixels_x // number) y = range(0, self.nb_pixels_y, self.nb_pixels_y // number) x, y = np.meshgrid(x, y) x = x.flatten() y = y.flatten() for i in range(len(x)): X0 = self.interp_lines[0]((x[i], y[i])) Y0 = self.interp_lines[1]((x[i], y[i])) Z0 = self.interp_lines[2]((x[i], y[i])) dx = self.interp_lines[3]((x[i], y[i])) dy = self.interp_lines[4]((x[i], y[i])) dz = self.interp_lines[5]((x[i], y[i])) X = (np.arange(10) - 5) / 20.0 * dx + X0 Y = (np.arange(10) - 5) / 20.0 * dy + Y0 Z = (np.arange(10) - 5) / 20.0 * dz + Z0 ax.plot(X, Y, Z, "r") ax.set_xlabel("x (m)") ax.set_ylabel("y (m)") ax.set_zlabel("z (m)")
[docs] def check_interp_lines_coeffs(self, number=100): """Plot to check interp_lines coefficients""" x = range(0, self.nb_pixels_x, self.nb_pixels_x // number) y = range(0, self.nb_pixels_y, self.nb_pixels_y // number) x, y = np.meshgrid(x, y) X0 = np.zeros(x.shape) Y0 = np.zeros(x.shape) Z0 = np.zeros(x.shape) dx = np.zeros(x.shape) dy = np.zeros(x.shape) dz = np.zeros(x.shape) for i in range(x.shape[0]): for j in range(x.shape[1]): X0[i, j] = self.interp_lines[0]((x[i, j], y[i, j])) Y0[i, j] = self.interp_lines[1]((x[i, j], y[i, j])) Z0[i, j] = self.interp_lines[2]((x[i, j], y[i, j])) dx[i, j] = self.interp_lines[3]((x[i, j], y[i, j])) dy[i, j] = self.interp_lines[4]((x[i, j], y[i, j])) dz[i, j] = self.interp_lines[5]((x[i, j], y[i, j])) to_be_plotted = {"X0": X0, "Y0": Y0, "Z0": Z0} to_be_plotted.update({"dx": dx, "dy": dy, "dz": dz}) to_be_plotted["norm(d)"] = np.sqrt(dx**2 + dy**2 + dz**2) for title, quantity in to_be_plotted.items(): fig, ax = plt.subplots() quad_mesh = ax.pcolormesh(x, y, quantity, shading="nearest") fig.suptitle(title) ax.set_xlabel("x (pix)") ax.set_ylabel("y (pix)") fig.colorbar(quad_mesh)
[docs]class DirectStereoReconstruction: """Class to get stereo reconstruction with direct Calibration This calibration determine the equations of optical paths for "each" pixels Parameters ---------- path_file0: Path of the file of the first camera path_file1: Path of the file of the second camera """ def __init__(self, path_file0, path_file1): self.calib0 = CalibDirect(path_file=path_file0) self.calib1 = CalibDirect(path_file=path_file1) # matrices from camera planes to fixed plane and inverse self.A0, self.B0 = self.calib0.get_base_camera_plane() self.A1, self.B1 = self.calib1.get_base_camera_plane() if np.allclose(self.A0, self.A1): raise ValueError("The two calibrations have to be different.") # M1, M2: see reconstruction function self.invM0 = np.linalg.inv(np.vstack([self.B0[0:2, :], self.B1[0:1, :]])) self.invM1 = np.linalg.inv(np.vstack([self.B0[0:1, :], self.B1[0:2, :]])) self.invM2 = np.linalg.inv(np.vstack([self.B0[0:2, :], self.B1[1:2, :]])) self.invM3 = np.linalg.inv(np.vstack([self.B0[1:2, :], self.B1[0:2, :]]))
[docs] def project2cam( self, indx0, indy0, dx0, dy0, indx1, indy1, dx1, dy1, a, b, c, d, check=False, ): """Project displacements of each cameras dx0, dy0, dx1 and dy1 in their respective planes. """ X0 = self.calib0.intersect_with_plane(indx0, indy0, a, b, c, d) dX0 = self.calib0.apply_calib(indx0, indy0, dx0, dy0, a, b, c, d) X1 = self.calib1.intersect_with_plane(indx1, indy1, a, b, c, d) dX1 = self.calib1.apply_calib(indx1, indy1, dx1, dy1, a, b, c, d) d0cam = np.tensordot(self.B0, dX0.swapaxes(0, 1), axes=1)[ :2, : ].transpose() d1cam = np.tensordot(self.B1, dX1.swapaxes(0, 1), axes=1)[ :2, : ].transpose() if check: plt.figure() plt.quiver(indx0, indy0, dx0, dy0) plt.axis("equal") ax.set_xlabel("x (pix)") ax.set_ylabel("y (pix)") plt.title("Cam 0 in pixel") plt.figure() plt.quiver(X0[:, 0], X0[:, 1], dX0[:, 0], dX0[:, 1]) ax.set_xlabel("x (pix)") ax.set_ylabel("y (pix)") plt.axis("equal") plt.title("Cam 0 in m") plt.figure() plt.quiver(indx1, indy1, dx1, dy1) ax.set_xlabel("x (pix)") ax.set_ylabel("y (pix)") plt.axis("equal") plt.title("Cam 1 in pixel") plt.figure() plt.quiver(X1[:, 0], X1[:, 1], dX1[:, 0], dX1[:, 1]) ax.set_xlabel("x (pix)") ax.set_ylabel("y (pix)") plt.axis("equal") plt.title("Cam 1 in m") return X0, X1, d0cam, d1cam
[docs] def find_common_grid(self, X0, X1, a, b, c, d): """Find a common grid for the 2 cameras""" xmin0 = np.nanmin(X0[:, 0]) xmax0 = np.nanmax(X0[:, 0]) ymin0 = np.nanmin(X0[:, 1]) ymax0 = np.nanmax(X0[:, 1]) xmin1 = np.nanmin(X1[:, 0]) xmax1 = np.nanmax(X1[:, 0]) ymin1 = np.nanmin(X1[:, 1]) ymax1 = np.nanmax(X1[:, 1]) xmin = max([xmin0, xmin1]) xmax = min([xmax0, xmax1]) ymin = max([ymin0, ymin1]) ymax = min([ymax1, ymax1]) Lx0 = xmax0 - xmin0 Ly0 = ymax0 - ymin0 Lx1 = xmax1 - xmin1 Ly1 = ymax1 - ymin1 Nx0 = sqrt(X0[~np.isnan(X0[:, 0]), 0].size) * sqrt(Lx0 / Ly0) Ny0 = X0[~np.isnan(X0[:, 1]), 1].size / Nx0 Nx1 = sqrt(X1[~np.isnan(X1[:, 0]), 0].size) * sqrt(Lx1 / Ly1) Ny1 = X1[~np.isnan(X1[:, 1]), 1].size / Nx1 dx0 = Lx0 / Nx0 dy0 = Ly0 / Ny0 dx1 = Lx1 / Nx1 dy1 = Ly1 / Ny1 dx = max([dx0, dx1]) dy = max([dy0, dy1]) x = np.linspace(xmin, xmax, int((xmax - xmin) / dx)) y = np.linspace(ymin, ymax, int((ymax - ymin) / dy)) x, y = np.meshgrid(x, y) self.grid_x = x.transpose() self.grid_y = y.transpose() self.grid_z = -(a * self.grid_x + b * self.grid_y + d) / c return self.grid_x, self.grid_y, self.grid_z
[docs] def interp_on_common_grid(self, X0, X1, d0cam, d1cam, grid_x, grid_y): """Interpolate displacements of the 2 cameras d0cam, d1cam on the common grid grid_x, grid_y """ # if not hasattr(self, 'grid_x'): # self.find_common_grid(X0, X1, a, b, c, d) ind0 = ( (~np.isnan(X0[:, 0])) * (~np.isnan(X0[:, 1])) * (~np.isnan(d0cam[:, 0])) * (~np.isnan(d0cam[:, 1])) ) ind1 = ( (~np.isnan(X1[:, 0])) * (~np.isnan(X1[:, 1])) * (~np.isnan(d1cam[:, 0])) * (~np.isnan(d1cam[:, 1])) ) d0xcam = griddata( (X0[ind0, 0], X0[ind0, 1]), d0cam[ind0, 0], (grid_x, grid_y) ) d0ycam = griddata( (X0[ind0, 0], X0[ind0, 1]), d0cam[ind0, 1], (grid_x, grid_y) ) d1xcam = griddata( (X1[ind1, 0], X1[ind1, 1]), d1cam[ind1, 0], (grid_x, grid_y) ) d1ycam = griddata( (X1[ind1, 0], X1[ind1, 1]), d1cam[ind1, 1], (grid_x, grid_y) ) return d0xcam, d0ycam, d1xcam, d1ycam
[docs] def reconstruction( self, X0, X1, d0cam, d1cam, a, b, c, d, grid_x, grid_y, check=False ): """Reconstruction of the 3 components of the velocity in the plane defined by a, b, c, d on the grid defined by grid_x, grid_y from the displacements of the 2 cameras d0cam, d1cam in their respective planes d0cam, d1cam """ # reconstruction => resolution of the equation # MX = dcam d0xcam, d0ycam, d1xcam, d1ycam = self.interp_on_common_grid( X0, X1, d0cam, d1cam, grid_x, grid_y ) # in the case where 2 vectors from different cameras are approximately # the same, they don't have to be used both in the computation n1 = np.abs(np.inner(self.A0[0], self.A1[0])) n2 = np.abs(np.inner(self.A0[1], self.A1[1])) n3 = np.abs(np.inner(self.A0[1], self.A1[0])) n4 = np.abs(np.inner(self.A0[0], self.A1[1])) # I suppose that 5deg between vectors is sufficient threshold = np.cos(5 * 2 * np.pi / 180.0) tmp = [] dcam = np.zeros((3, d0xcam.shape[0], d0xcam.shape[1])) if n1 < threshold and n3 < threshold: dcam[0, :, :] = d0xcam dcam[1, :, :] = d0ycam dcam[2, :, :] = d1xcam tmp.append(np.tensordot(self.invM0, dcam, axes=([1], [0]))) if n1 < threshold and n4 < threshold: dcam[0, :, :] = d0xcam dcam[1, :, :] = d1xcam dcam[2, :, :] = d1ycam tmp.append(np.tensordot(self.invM1, dcam, axes=([1], [0]))) if n2 < threshold and n4 < threshold: dcam[0, :, :] = d0xcam dcam[1, :, :] = d0ycam dcam[2, :, :] = d1ycam tmp.append(np.tensordot(self.invM2, dcam, axes=([1], [0]))) if n2 < threshold and n3 < threshold: dcam[0, :, :] = d0ycam dcam[1, :, :] = d1xcam dcam[2, :, :] = d1ycam tmp.append(np.tensordot(self.invM3, dcam, axes=([1], [0]))) tmp = np.array(tmp) with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore", category=RuntimeWarning) tmp_mean = np.nanmean(tmp, 0) tmp_std = np.nanstd(tmp, 0) dX, dY, dZ = tmp_mean Errorx, Errory, Errorz = tmp_std # dXx = np.zeros(d0xcam.shape) # dXy = np.zeros(d0xcam.shape) # dXz = np.zeros(d0xcam.shape) # Errorx = np.zeros(d0xcam.shape) # Errory = np.zeros(d0xcam.shape) # Errorz = np.zeros(d0xcam.shape) # for i in range(d0xcam.shape[0]): # for j in range(d0xcam.shape[1]): # tmp = [] # if n1 < threshold and n3 < threshold: # dcam = np.hstack( # [d0xcam[i, j], d0ycam[i, j], d1xcam[i, j]]) # tmp.append(, dcam)) # if n1 < threshold and n4 < threshold: # dcam = np.hstack( # [d0xcam[i, j], d1xcam[i, j], d1ycam[i, j]]) # tmp.append(, dcam)) # if n2 < threshold and n4 < threshold: # dcam = np.hstack( # [d0xcam[i, j], d0ycam[i, j], d1ycam[i, j]]) # tmp.append(, dcam)) # if n2 < threshold and n3 < threshold: # dcam = np.hstack( # [d0ycam[i, j], d1xcam[i, j], d1ycam[i, j]]) # tmp.append(, dcam)) # tmp = np.array(tmp) # dXx[i, j] = np.nanmean(tmp, 0)[0] # Errorx[i, j] = np.nanstd(tmp, 0)[0] # dXy[i, j] = np.nanmean(tmp, 0)[1] # Errory[i, j] = np.nanstd(tmp, 0)[1] # dXz[i, j] = np.nanmean(tmp, 0)[2] # Errorz[i, j] = np.nanstd(tmp, 0)[2] if check: plt.figure() plt.quiver(self.grid_x, self.grid_y, d0xcam, d0ycam) ax.set_xlabel("X") ax.set_ylabel("Y") plt.axis("equal") plt.title("Cam 0 plane projection") plt.figure() plt.quiver(self.grid_x, self.grid_y, d1xcam, d1ycam) ax.set_xlabel("X") ax.set_ylabel("Y") plt.axis("equal") plt.title("Cam 1 plane projection") plt.figure() plt.quiver(self.grid_x, self.grid_y, dX, dY) ax.set_xlabel("X") ax.set_ylabel("Y") plt.axis("equal") plt.title("Reconstruction on laser plane") return dX, dY, dZ, Errorx, Errory, Errorz