Source code for fluidimage.executors.exec_async

"""Executor async/await

This executer uses await/async with trio library to put topology tasks in

A single executor (in one process) is used. If CPU bounded tasks are limited by
the Python GIL, the threads won't use at the same time the CPU.

This means that the work will run on one CPU at a time, except if the topology
uses compiled code releasing the GIL. In this case, the GIL can be bypassed and
computation can use many CPU at a time.

.. autoclass:: ExecutorAsync


import signal
import time
from collections import OrderedDict

import trio

from fluidimage.util import log_debug, logger

from .base import ExecutorBase

[docs]class ExecutorAsync(ExecutorBase): """Executor async/await. The work in performed in a single process. """ def __init__( self, topology, path_dir_result, nb_max_workers=None, nb_items_queue_max=None, sleep_time=0.01, logging_level="info", stop_if_error=False, path_log=None, ): super().__init__( topology, path_dir_result, nb_max_workers, nb_items_queue_max, logging_level=logging_level, stop_if_error=stop_if_error, path_log=path_log, ) self.nb_working_workers_cpu = 0 self.nb_working_workers_io = 0 # Executor parameters self.sleep_time = sleep_time # function containers self.async_funcs = OrderedDict() self.funcs = OrderedDict() # Functions definition self.define_functions() def signal_handler(sig, frame): del sig, frame # unused"Ctrl+C signal received...") self._has_to_stop = True self.nursery.cancel_scope.cancel() # it seems that we don't need to raise the exception raise KeyboardInterrupt signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler) # to avoid a pylint warning self.nursery = None
[docs] def compute(self): """Compute the whole topology. Begin by executing one shot jobs, then execute multiple shots jobs implemented as async functions. Warning, one shot jobs must be ancestors of multiple shots jobs in the topology. """ self._init_compute() self.exec_one_shot_works() self._finalize_compute()
[docs] async def start_async_works(self): """Create a trio nursery and start all async functions.""" async with trio.open_nursery() as self.nursery: for af in self.async_funcs.values(): self.nursery.start_soon(af) self.nursery.start_soon(self.update_has_to_stop)
[docs] def define_functions(self): """Define sync and async functions. Define sync ("one shot" functions) and async functions (multiple shot functions), and store them in `self.async_funcs`. The behavior of the executor is mostly defined here. To sum up : Each "multiple shot" waits for an items to be available in there input_queue and process the items as soon as they are available. """ for work in # global functions if work.kind is not None and "global" in work.kind: async def func(work=work): while True: while ( isinstance(work.input_queue, tuple) and all(not q for q in work.input_queue) ) or not work.input_queue: await trio.sleep(self.sleep_time) if self._has_to_stop: return t_start = time.time() self.log_in_file_memory_usage( f"{time.time() - self.t_start:.2f} s. Launch work " + work.name_no_space + " (kind='global'). mem usage" ) work.func_or_cls(work.input_queue, work.output_queue) if self._has_to_stop: return await trio.sleep(self.sleep_time) self.log_in_file( f"work {work.name_no_space} (kind='global') " f"done in {time.time() - t_start:.3f} s" ) await trio.sleep(self.sleep_time) # I/O elif work.kind is not None and ( "io" in work.kind or work.kind == "io" ): func = self.def_async_func_work_io(work) # CPU-bounded work else: func = self.def_async_func_work_cpu(work) self.async_funcs[] = func
[docs] def def_async_func_work_io(self, work): """Define an asynchronous function launching a io work.""" async def func(work=work): while True: while ( not work.input_queue or self.nb_working_workers_io >= self.nb_max_workers or ( work.output_queue is not None and len(work.output_queue) >= self.nb_items_queue_max ) ): if self._has_to_stop: return await trio.sleep(self.sleep_time) self.nursery.start_soon(self.async_run_work_io, work) await trio.sleep(self.sleep_time) return func
[docs] def def_async_func_work_cpu(self, work): """Define an asynchronous function launching a cpu work.""" async def func(work=work): while True: while ( not work.input_queue or self.nb_working_workers_cpu >= self.nb_max_workers or ( work.output_queue is not None and len(work.output_queue) >= self.nb_items_queue_max ) ): if self._has_to_stop: return await trio.sleep(self.sleep_time) self.nursery.start_soon(self.async_run_work_cpu, work) await trio.sleep(self.sleep_time) return func
[docs] async def async_run_work_io(self, work): """Is destined to be started with a "trio.start_soon". Executes the work on an item (key, obj), and add the result on work.output_queue. Parameters ---------- work : A work from the topology """ self.nb_working_workers_io += 1 try: key, obj = work.input_queue.pop_first_item() except KeyError: self.nb_working_workers_io -= 1 return if work.check_exception(key, obj): self.nb_working_workers_io -= 1 return t_start = time.time() self.log_in_file_memory_usage( f"{time.time() - self.t_start:.2f} s. Launch work " + work.name_no_space + f" ({key}). mem usage" ) arg = work.prepare_argument(key, obj) # pylint: disable=W0703 try: ret = await trio.to_thread.run_sync(work.func_or_cls, arg) except Exception as error: self.log_exception(error, work.name_no_space, key) if self.stop_if_error: raise ret = error else: self.log_in_file( f"work {work.name_no_space} ({key}) " f"done in {time.time() - t_start:.3f} s" ) if work.output_queue is not None: work.output_queue[key] = ret self.nb_working_workers_io -= 1
[docs] async def async_run_work_cpu(self, work): """Is destined to be started with a "trio.start_soon". Executes the work on an item (key, obj), and add the result on work.output_queue. Parameters ---------- work : A work from the topology """ self.nb_working_workers_cpu += 1 try: key, obj = work.input_queue.pop_first_item() except KeyError: self.nb_working_workers_cpu -= 1 return if work.check_exception(key, obj): self.nb_working_workers_cpu -= 1 return t_start = time.time() self.log_in_file_memory_usage( f"{time.time() - self.t_start:.2f} s. Launch work " + work.name_no_space + f" ({key}). mem usage" ) arg = work.prepare_argument(key, obj) # pylint: disable=W0703 try: ret = await trio.to_thread.run_sync(work.func_or_cls, arg) except Exception as error: self.log_exception(error, work.name_no_space, key) if self.stop_if_error: raise ret = error else: self.log_in_file( f"work {work.name_no_space} ({key}) " f"done in {time.time() - t_start:.3f} s" ) if work.output_queue is not None: work.output_queue[key] = ret self.nb_working_workers_cpu -= 1
[docs] async def update_has_to_stop(self): """Work has to stop flag. Check if all works has been done. Return True if there are no workers in working and if there is no items in all queues. """ while not self._has_to_stop: result = ( (not any([bool(queue) for queue in self.topology.queues])) and self.nb_working_workers_cpu == 0 and self.nb_working_workers_io == 0 ) if result: self._has_to_stop = True log_debug(f"has_to_stop!") if self.logging_level == "debug": log_debug(f"self.topology.queues: {self.topology.queues}") log_debug( f"self.nb_working_workers_cpu: {self.nb_working_workers_cpu}" ) log_debug( f"self.nb_working_workers_io: {self.nb_working_workers_io}" ) await trio.sleep(self.sleep_time)
Executor = ExecutorAsync