Source code for fluidimage.executors.exec_async_multiproc

"""Executor async/await + multiprocessing

A executor using async for IO and multiprocessing for CPU bounded tasks.

.. autoclass:: ExecutorAsyncMultiproc


import time
from multiprocessing import Event, Pipe, Process

import trio

from fluidimage.util import log_debug, logger

from .exec_async import ExecutorAsync

def exec_work_and_comm(func, obj, child_conn, event):
    # log_debug(f"process ({key}) started")
    # pylint: disable=W0703
        result = func(obj)
    except Exception as error:
        result = error

    # log_debug(f"in process, send result ({key}): {result}")

[docs]class ExecutorAsyncMultiproc(ExecutorAsync): """Async executor using multiprocessing to launch CPU-bounded tasks"""
[docs] async def async_run_work_cpu(self, work): """Is destined to be started with a "trio.start_soon". Executes the work on an item (key, obj), and add the result on work.output_queue. Parameters ---------- work : A work from the topology """ self.nb_working_workers_cpu += 1 try: key, obj = work.input_queue.pop_first_item() except KeyError: self.nb_working_workers_cpu -= 1 return if work.check_exception(key, obj): self.nb_working_workers_cpu -= 1 return arg = work.prepare_argument(key, obj) t_start = time.time() self.log_in_file_memory_usage( f"{time.time() - self.t_start:.2f} s. Launch work " + work.name_no_space + f" ({key}). mem usage" ) parent_conn, child_conn = Pipe() event = Event() def run_process(): # we do this complicate thing because there may be a strange bug def start_process_and_check(index_attempt): process = Process( target=exec_work_and_comm, args=(work.func_or_cls, arg, child_conn, event), ) process.daemon = True process.start() # check whether the process has really started (possible bug!) if not event.wait(1): log_debug( f"problem: process {work.name_no_space} ({key}) " f"has not really started... (attempt {index_attempt})" ) process.terminate() return False return process really_started = False for index_attempt in range(10): process = start_process_and_check(index_attempt) if process: really_started = True break if not really_started: raise RuntimeError( f"A process {work.name_no_space} ({key}) " "has not started after 10 attempts" ) # todo: use parent_conn.poll to implement a timeout # log_debug(f"waiting for result ({key})") result = parent_conn.recv() # log_debug(f"result ({key}) received") process.join(10 * self.sleep_time) if process.exitcode != 0: logger.error("process.exitcode: %s", process.exitcode) process.terminate() return result ret = await trio.to_thread.run_sync(run_process) if isinstance(ret, Exception): self.log_exception(ret, work.name_no_space, key) if self.stop_if_error: raise ret else: self.log_in_file( f"work {work.name_no_space} ({key}) " f"done in {time.time() - t_start:.3f} s" ) if work.output_queue is not None: work.output_queue[key] = ret self.nb_working_workers_cpu -= 1
Executor = ExecutorAsyncMultiproc