Source code for fluidimage.executors.multi_exec_async

Multi executors async

.. autoclass:: MultiExecutorAsync

.. autoclass:: ExecutorAsyncForMulti


import copy
from multiprocessing import Process

from .base import MultiExecutorBase
from .exec_async_seq_for_multi import ExecutorAsyncSeqForMulti

[docs]class ExecutorAsyncForMulti(ExecutorAsyncSeqForMulti): """Slightly modified ExecutorAsync"""
[docs]class MultiExecutorAsync(MultiExecutorBase): """Manage the multi-executor mode This class is not the one whose really compute the topology. The topology is split and each slice is computed with an ExecutorAsync Parameters ---------- nb_max_workers : None, int Limits the numbers of workers working in the same time. nb_items_queue_max : None, int Limits the numbers of items that can be in a output_queue. sleep_time : None, float Defines the waiting time (from trio.sleep) of a function. Async functions await `trio.sleep(sleep_time)` when they have done a work on an item, and when there is nothing in their input_queue. """
[docs] def _start_processes(self): """ There are two ways to split self.topology work: - If first self.topology has "series" attribute (from seriesOfArray), it creates "self.nb_max_workers" topologies and changes "ind_start" and "ind_stop" of topology.series. The split considers series.ind_step. - Else, if the first work of the topology has an unique output_queue, it splits that queue in "self.nb_max_worker" slices and create as many topologies. On these last, the first work will be removed and the first queue will be filled with a partition of the first queue Then create as many Executer_await as topologies, give each topology to each executors, and call each Executor_await.compute in a process from multiprocessing. """ if hasattr(self.topology, "series"): self._start_multiprocess_series() else: self._start_multiprocess_first_queue()
[docs] def _start_multiprocess_first_queue(self): """Start the processes spitting the work with the first queue""" nb_keys_per_process = max( 1, int(len(self._keys_first_queue) / self.nb_processes) ) keys_for_processes = [] for iproc in range(self.nb_processes): istart = iproc * nb_keys_per_process keys_for_processes.append( self._keys_first_queue[istart : istart + nb_keys_per_process] ) # change topology self.topology.first_queue =[0].output_queue topology = copy.copy(self.topology) topology.first_queue.clear() del[0] old_queue = topology.first_queue for idx_process, keys_proc in enumerate(keys_for_processes): topology_this_process = copy.copy(self.topology) new_queue = copy.copy(topology.first_queue) topology_this_process.first_queue = new_queue for iq, queue in enumerate(topology_this_process.queues): if queue is old_queue: topology_this_process.queues[iq] = new_queue for work in if work.output_queue is old_queue: work.output_queue = new_queue if work.input_queue is old_queue: work.input_queue = new_queue if isinstance(work.input_queue, (tuple, list)): work.input_queue = list(work.input_queue) for iq, queue in enumerate(work.input_queue): if queue is old_queue: work.input_queue[iq] = new_queue if isinstance(work.output_queue, (tuple, list)): work.output_queue = list(work.output_queue) for iq, queue in enumerate(work.output_queue): if queue is old_queue: work.output_queue[iq] = new_queue for key in keys_proc: new_queue[key] = self._first_queue[key] old_queue = new_queue self.launch_process(topology_this_process, idx_process)
[docs] def _start_multiprocess_series(self): """Start the processes spitting the work with the series object""" try: splitter_cls = self.topology.Splitter except AttributeError as error: raise ValueError( "MultiExecutorAsync can only execute " "topologies with a Splitter." ) from error params = copy.deepcopy(self.topology.params) splitter = splitter_cls( params, self.nb_processes, self.topology, self._indices_to_be_computed ) assert self.num_expected_results == splitter.num_expected_results if ( hasattr(self.topology, "how_saving") and self.topology.how_saving == "complete" and hasattr(splitter, "save_indices_files") ): path_dir_indices = ( self.path_dir_result / f"indices_files_{self._unique_postfix}" ) path_dir_indices.mkdir(exist_ok=True) splitter.save_indices_files(path_dir_indices) for idx_process, index_series in enumerate(splitter.indices_lists): if not index_series: continue new_topology = copy.copy(self.topology) new_topology.series.set_index_series(index_series) self.launch_process(new_topology, idx_process) else: for idx_process, start_stop_step in enumerate(splitter.ranges): if len(range(*start_stop_step)) == 0: continue new_topology = copy.copy(self.topology) series = new_topology.series series.ind_start, series.ind_stop, series.ind_step = ( start_stop_step ) self.launch_process(new_topology, idx_process)
[docs] def init_and_compute(self, topology_this_process, log_path, idx_process): """Create an executor and start it in a process""" executor = ExecutorAsyncForMulti( topology_this_process, self.path_dir_result, sleep_time=self.sleep_time, path_log=log_path, logging_level=self.logging_level, t_start=self.t_start, index_process=idx_process, ) executor.compute()
[docs] def launch_process(self, topology, idx_process): """Launch one process""" log_path = self._log_path.parent / f"process_{idx_process:03d}.txt" self.log_paths.append(log_path) process = Process( target=self.init_and_compute, args=(topology, log_path, idx_process), ) process.daemon = True process.start() self.processes.append(process)
def _poll_return_code(self, process): return process.exitcode
[docs] def _join_processes(self): """Join the processes""" for process in self.processes: process.join()
Executor = MultiExecutorAsync