Source code for fluidimage.topologies.base

"""Topology base (:mod:`fluidimage.topologies.base`)

.. autoclass:: Work

.. autoclass:: Queue

.. autoclass:: TopologyBase

.. autoclass:: TopologyBaseFromSeries

.. autoclass:: TopologyBaseFromImages


import json
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from collections import OrderedDict
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Sequence, Union
from warnings import warn

from fluidimage import ParamContainer, SerieOfArraysFromFiles, SeriesOfArrays
from fluidimage.util import DEBUG, cstring, logger

from ..executors import (

[docs]class Work: """Represent a work Work are treated differently by executors depending of the ``kind`` argument. Work can be: - "global": the work acts globally on its input and output queues. - "one shot": the work has to be called only once per execution. - "io": the work involves input/output and is not computationally heavy. - "eat key value": the work takes as argument a tuple ``(key, value)``. """ def __init__( self, name: str, func_or_cls, params_cls=None, input_queue=None, output_queue=None, kind: Union[str, Sequence[str]] = None, ): self._kwargs = dict( name=name, func_or_cls=func_or_cls, params_cls=params_cls, input_queue=input_queue, output_queue=output_queue, kind=kind, ) # to avoid a pylint warning = None self.__dict__.update(self._kwargs) self.name_no_space =" ", "_") if kind is None: self._eat_key_value = False elif isinstance(kind, str): self._eat_key_value = kind == "eat key value" else: self._eat_key_value = "eat key value" in kind def __repr__(self): return super().__repr__() + f"\n{self._kwargs}"
[docs] def check_exception(self, key, obj): """Check if `obj` is an exception""" if isinstance(obj, Exception): if self.output_queue is not None: self.output_queue[key] = obj else: logger.error( cstring( f"work {self.name_no_space} ({key}) " "can not be done because of a previously " "raised exception.", color="FAIL", ) ) return True return False
def prepare_argument(self, key, obj): if self._eat_key_value: return (key, obj) else: return obj
[docs]class Queue(OrderedDict): """Represent a queue""" def __init__(self, name, kind=None): = name self.kind = kind super().__init__() def __repr__(self): return f'\nqueue "{}": ' + super().__repr__() def __copy__(self): new_one = type(self)(, kind=self.kind) new_one.__dict__.update(self.__dict__) for key, values in self.items(): new_one[key] = values return new_one
[docs] def pop_first_item(self): """Pop the first item of the queue""" return self.popitem(last=False)
[docs] def is_name_in_values(self, image_name): """Check if a name is in the queue""" for names in self.values(): if image_name in names: return True return False
[docs]class TopologyBase: """Base class for topologies of processing. This class is meant to be subclassed, not instantiated directly. Parameters ---------- path_dir_result : None, str logging_level : None, {'warning', 'info', 'debug', ...} nb_max_workers : None, int """ _short_name = "base" @classmethod def _add_default_params_saving(cls, params): params._set_child( "saving", attribs={"path": None, "how": "ask", "postfix": cls._short_name}, doc="""Saving of the results. - path : None or str Path of the directory where the data will be saved. If None, the path is obtained from the input path and the parameter `postfix`. - how : str {'ask'} 'ask', 'new_dir', 'complete' or 'recompute'. - postfix : str Postfix from which the output file is computed. """, ) params._set_internal_attr( "_value_text", json.dumps( { "program": "fluidimage", "module": cls.__module__, "class": cls.__name__, } ), ) def __init__( self, path_dir_result=None, logging_level="info", nb_max_workers=None ): self.path_dir_result = path_dir_result self.logging_level = logging_level self.nb_max_workers = nb_max_workers self.queues = [] = [] self.works_dict = {} self.executor = None
[docs] def add_queue(self, name: str, kind: str = None): """Create a new queue.""" queue = Queue(name=name, kind=kind) self.queues.append(queue) return queue
[docs] def add_work( self, name: str, func_or_cls, params_cls=None, input_queue=None, output_queue=None, kind: str = None, ): """Create a new work relating queues.""" if func_or_cls is None: warn(f'func_or_cls is None for work "{name}"') work = Work( name=name, input_queue=input_queue, func_or_cls=func_or_cls, params_cls=params_cls, output_queue=output_queue, kind=kind, ) if name in self.works_dict: raise ValueError(f"The name {name} is already used.") self.works_dict[name] = work
[docs] def compute( self, executor=None, nb_max_workers=None, sleep_time=0.01, sequential=False, stop_if_error=False, kwargs_executor=None, ): """Compute (run the works until all queues are empty). Parameters ---------- executor : str or fluidimage.executors.base.ExecutorBase, optional If None, ``executor="multi_exec_async"`` nb_max_workers : int, optional sleep_time : number, optional {0.01} sequential : bool, optional {False} stop_if_error : bool, optional {False} """ if sequential: if executor is not None and executor != "exec_sequential": raise ValueError( "Incompatible arguments sequential=True and " f"executor={executor}" ) executor = "exec_sequential" if executor is None: # fastest and safest executor for most cases # "multi_exec_async" on Linux # "multi_exec_subproc" elsewhere executor = supported_multi_executors[0] if not isinstance(executor, ExecutorBase): if executor not in get_executor_names(): raise NotImplementedError(f"executor {executor} does not exist") if nb_max_workers is None: nb_max_workers = self.nb_max_workers if kwargs_executor is None: kwargs_executor = {} exec_class = import_executor_class(executor) self.executor = exec_class( self, path_dir_result=self.path_dir_result, nb_max_workers=nb_max_workers, sleep_time=sleep_time, logging_level=self.logging_level, stop_if_error=stop_if_error, **kwargs_executor, ) self.executor.compute()
[docs] def make_text_at_exit(self, time_since_start): """Make a text printed before exit.""" txt = f"Stop compute after t = {time_since_start:.2f} s" try: nb_results = len(self.results) except AttributeError: nb_results = None if nb_results is not None and nb_results > 0: txt += f" ({nb_results} results, {time_since_start / nb_results:.2f} s/result)." else: txt += "." if hasattr(self, "path_dir_result"): txt += f"\npath results:\n{Path(self.path_dir_result).absolute()}\n" return txt
[docs] def print_at_exit(self, time_since_start): """Print information before exit.""" print(self.make_text_at_exit(time_since_start))
[docs] def make_code_graphviz(self, name_file=""): """Generate the graphviz / dot code. This method only generates a graphviz code. The graph can be visualized with for example:: dot {name_file}.dot -Tpng -o {name_file}.png && eog {name_file}.png """ name_file = str(name_file) if name_file.endswith(".dot"): name_file = name_file[:-4] code = "digraph {\nrankdir = LR\ncompound=true\n" # waiting queues code += '\nnode [shape="record"]\n' txt_queue = ( '{name_quoted:40s} [label="<f0> {name}|' + "|".join([f"<f{i}>" for i in range(1, 5)]) + '"]\n' ) for queue in self.queues: name_quoted = f'"{}"' code += txt_queue.format(, name_quoted=name_quoted) # works and links code += '\nnode [shape="ellipse"]\n' txt_work = '{:40s} [label="{}",color = "{}"]\n' for work in name_work = color = "Black" if work.kind is not None: if "io" in work.kind: color = "Green" code += txt_work.format(f'"{name_work}"', name_work, color) code += "\n" str_link = ( '{:40s} -> "{}" [arrowhead = "{}", style = "{}", color = "{}"]\n' ) for work in name_work = arrowhead = "normal" style = "dashed" color = "Black" if work.kind is not None: if "one shot" in work.kind: style = "filled" if "global" in work.kind: arrowhead = "odiamond" if "io" in work.kind: color = "Green" if work.input_queue is not None: queues = work.input_queue if isinstance(queues, Queue): queues = (queues,) for queue in queues: code += str_link.format( '"' + + '"', name_work, arrowhead, style, color ) if work.output_queue is not None: queues = work.output_queue if isinstance(queues, Queue): queues = (queues,) for queue in queues: code += str_link.format( '"' + name_work + '"',, arrowhead, style, color ) # Legend code += "\n subgraph cluster_01 {" code += '\n node [height="0px", width="0px",shape=none,];' code += "\n edge [ minlen = 1,];" code += '\n label = "Legend";' code += '\n key [label=<<table border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" cellborder="0">' code += '\n <tr><td align="right" port="i1">Global</td></tr>' code += '\n <tr><td align="right" port="i2">One Shot</td></tr>' code += '\n <tr><td align="right" port="i3">Multiple Shot</td></tr>' code += '\n <tr><td align="right" port="i4">I/O</td></tr>' code += "\n </table>>]" code += '\n key2 [label=<<table border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" cellborder="0">' code += '\n<tr><td port="i1">&nbsp;</td></tr>' code += '\n<tr><td port="i2">&nbsp;</td></tr>' code += '\n<tr><td port="i3">&nbsp;</td></tr>' code += '\n<tr><td port="i4">&nbsp;</td></tr>' code += "\n </table>>]" code += '\n key:i1:e -> key2:i1:w [arrowhead = "odiamond"]' code += '\n key:i2:e -> key2:i2:w [arrowhead = "none"]' code += '\n key:i3:e -> key2:i3:w [style = "dashed", arrowhead = "none"]' code += '\n key:i4:e -> key2:i4:w [arrowhead = "none", color="Green"]' code += "\n } \n" code += "}\n" with open(name_file + ".dot", "w", encoding="utf-8") as file: file.write(code) print( "A graph can be produced with graphviz with one of these commands:\n" f"dot {name_file}.dot -Tpng -o {name_file}.png && eog {name_file}.png\n" f"dot {name_file}.dot -Tx11" )
[docs] def read_log_data(self, path=None): """Create and return an object containing the data from the log file(s)""" from fluidimage.topologies.log import LogTopology if path is None: path = self.path_dir_result return LogTopology(path)
[docs]class TopologyBaseFromSeries(TopologyBase, ABC): series: SeriesOfArrays how_saving: str params: ParamContainer _message_empty_series = "encountered empty series. No images to preprocess."
[docs] @abstractmethod def compute_indices_to_be_computed(self): """Compute the indices corresponding to the series to be computed"""
[docs] def init_series(self): """Initializes the SeriesOfArrays object `self.series` based on input parameters.""" series = self.series if not series: logger.warning(self._message_empty_series) return if self.how_saving in ("complete", "from_path_indices"): if self.how_saving == "complete": index_series = self.compute_indices_to_be_computed() elif self.how_saving == "from_path_indices": path_indices = self.params.series.path_indices_file index_series = [ int(line) for line in open(path_indices, encoding="utf-8") ] series.set_index_series(index_series) if self.how_saving == "complete" and not index_series: logger.warning( 'topology in mode "complete" and work already done.' ) return if logger.isEnabledFor(DEBUG): logger.debug(repr([serie.get_name_arrays() for serie in series])) nb_series = len(series) if nb_series == 1: plural = "" else: plural = "s""Add %s image serie%s to compute.", nb_series, plural)
def _tuple_ints_from_str(line): return tuple(int(c.strip()) for c in line.strip()[1:-1].split(",") if c)
[docs]class TopologyBaseFromImages(TopologyBase): serie: SerieOfArraysFromFiles how_saving: str path_dir_src: Path params: ParamContainer def _get_name_result_from_name(self, name): return name
[docs] def compute_indices_to_be_computed(self): """Compute the indices corresponding to the images to be computed""" indices_images = [] for indices in self.serie.iter_indices(): name = self.serie.compute_name_from_indices(*indices) path_im_output = ( self.path_dir_result / self._get_name_result_from_name(name) ) if path_im_output.exists(): continue indices_images.append(indices) self._fix_indices_images(indices_images) return indices_images
[docs] def _fix_indices_images(self, indices_images): """Fix the indices images in fill_queue_paths"""
[docs] def fill_queue_paths(self, input_queue, output_queue): """Fill the first queue (paths)""" assert input_queue is None serie = self.serie if not serie: logger.warning("add 0 image. No image to process.") return if self.how_saving == "complete": indices_images = self.compute_indices_to_be_computed() elif self.how_saving == "from_path_indices": path_indices = self.params.images.path_indices_file indices_images = [ _tuple_ints_from_str(line) for line in open(path_indices, encoding="utf-8") ] else: indices_images = list(serie.iter_indices()) self._fix_indices_images(indices_images) if not indices_images: if self.how_saving == "complete": logger.warning( 'topology in mode "complete" and work already done.' ) else: logger.warning("Nothing to do") return names = [] for indices in indices_images: name = serie.compute_name_from_indices(*indices) names.append(name) path_im_input = str(self.path_dir_src / name) output_queue[name] = path_im_input nb_names = len(names)"Add %s images to compute.", nb_names)"First files to process: %s", names[:4]) logger.debug("All files: %s", names)