Source code for fluidimage.topologies.log

"""Parse and analyze logging files (:mod:`fluidimage.topologies.log`)

.. autoclass:: LogTopology


import time
from pathlib import Path

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

from fluiddyn.util import is_run_from_ipython

if is_run_from_ipython():

def float_no_valueerror(word):
        return float(word)
    except ValueError:
        return np.nan

class DataLogFile:

    def __init__(self, path_file): = works = []
        self.works_ended = works_ended = []
        self.nb_cpus_allowed = None
        self.nb_max_workers = None
        self.executor_name = None
        self.topology_name = None
        self._title = str(path_file)

        print(f"Parsing log file: {path_file}")
        with open(path_file, "r", encoding="utf-8") as logfile:
            for iline, line in enumerate(logfile):
                if iline % 100 == 0:
                    print(f"\rparse line {iline}", end="", flush=True)

                if line.startswith("ERROR: "):

                if self.nb_cpus_allowed is None and line.startswith(
                    "  nb_cpus_allowed = "
                    self.nb_cpus_allowed = int(line.split()[2])
                    self._title += f", nb_cpus_allowed = {self.nb_cpus_allowed}"

                if self.nb_max_workers is None and line.startswith(
                    "  nb_max_workers = "
                    self.nb_max_workers = int(line.split()[2])
                    self._title += f", nb_max_workers = {self.nb_max_workers}"

                if self.topology_name is None:
                    begin = "  topology: "
                    if line.startswith(begin):
                        self.topology_name = line.split(begin)[1].strip()

                if self.executor_name is None:
                    begin = "  executor: "
                    if line.startswith(begin):
                        self.executor_name = line.split(begin)[1].strip()

                if ". mem usage: " in line:
                    # to remove the characters coding for color
                    line = line[5:]
                    words = line.split()

                        mem = float(words[-2])
                    except ValueError:

                    if ". Launch work " in line:
                        name = words[4]
                        key = words[5][1:-2]
                        t = float(words[0])
                                "name": name,
                                "key": key,
                                "mem_start": mem,
                                "time": t,
                        date = words[0][:-1]
                        t = time.mktime(
                            time.strptime(date[:-3], "%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S")
                        ) + float(date[-3:])

                    if ": starting execution. mem usage" in line:
                        self.date_start = date
                        self.mem_start = mem
                        time_start = t
                    elif ": end of `compute`. mem usage" in line:
                        self.date_end = date
                        self.duration = t - time_start
                        self.mem_end = mem

                if line.startswith("work ") and " done in " in line:
                    words = line.split()
                    name = words[1]
                    key = words[2][1:-1]
                        duration = float(words[-2])
                    except ValueError:
                            {"name": name, "key": key, "duration": duration}

        print("\rdone" + 20 * " ")

[docs]class LogTopology: """Parse and analyze logging files.""" def __init__(self, path): # path can point towards: # - the result directory # - a log file # - a log directory path = Path(path) if path.is_dir() and not"log_"): paths = sorted(path.glob("log_*")) if not paths: raise ValueError("No log files found in the current directory.") # last saved file path = paths[-1] if path.is_file(): path_log_file = path path_log_dir = path.parent else: path_log_dir = path paths = sorted(path_log_dir.glob("log_*.txt")) if not paths: raise ValueError(f"No log files found in {path_log_dir}.") path_log_file = paths[-1] self.path_log_file = path_log_file self.path_log_dir = path_log_dir self._title = str( data_main_file = DataLogFile(path_log_file) = self.works_ended = data_main_file.works_ended self.nb_cpus_allowed = data_main_file.nb_cpus_allowed self.nb_max_workers = data_main_file.nb_max_workers self.executor_name = data_main_file.executor_name self.topology_name = data_main_file.topology_name self.mem_start = data_main_file.mem_start try: self.duration = data_main_file.duration except AttributeError: pass else: self.mem_end = data_main_file.mem_end self.paths_log_files = sorted(path_log_dir.glob("process_*.txt")) for path_log_process in self.paths_log_files: data = DataLogFile(path_log_process) self.works_ended.extend(data.works_ended) self.names_works = names_works = [] for work in if work["name"] not in names_works: names_works.append(work["name"]) self.durations = durations = {} self.times = times = {} self.keys = keys = {} for name in self.names_works: times[name] = [] keys[name] = [] for work in if work["name"] == name: times[name].append(work["time"]) keys[name].append(work["key"]) works_ended_name = [ work for work in self.works_ended if work["name"] == name ] index_vs_keys = { work["key"]: index for index, work in enumerate(works_ended_name) } durations[name] = [] for key in keys[name]: try: index_key = index_vs_keys[key] except KeyError: founded = False else: founded = True work = works_ended_name[index_key] durations[name].append(work["duration"]) if not founded: durations[name].append(np.nan)
[docs] def plot_memory(self): """Plot the memory usage versus time.""" plt.figure() ax = plt.gca() ax.set_xlabel("time (s)") ax.set_ylabel("memory (Mo)") ax.set_title(self._title, fontdict={"fontsize": 12}) memories = np.empty(len( times = np.empty(len( for i, work in enumerate( memories[i] = work["mem_start"] times[i] = work["time"] ax.plot(times, memories, "o-") ax.plot(0, self.mem_start, "x") if hasattr(self, "duration"): ax.plot(self.duration, self.mem_end, "x")
[docs] def plot_durations(self): """Plot the duration of the works.""" plt.figure() ax = plt.gca() ax.set_xlabel("time (s)") ax.set_ylabel("duration (s)") ax.set_title(self._title, fontdict={"fontsize": 12}) lines = [] for i, name in enumerate(self.names_works): times = np.array(self.times[name]) durations = self.durations[name] (l,) = ax.plot(times, durations, f"C{i}o") lines.append(l) for it, t in enumerate(times): d = durations[it] ax.plot([t, t + d], [d, d], f"C{i}") d = np.nanmean(durations) ax.plot([times.min(), times.max()], [d, d], f"C{i}:", linewidth=2) ax.legend(lines, self.names_works, loc="center left", fontsize="x-small")
[docs] def plot_nb_workers(self, str_names=None): """Plot the number of workers versus time.""" if str_names is not None: names = [name for name in self.names_works if str_names in name] else: names = self.names_works nb_workers = {} times = {} for name in names: times_start = list(self.times[name]) times_stop = list( np.array(times_start) + np.array(self.durations[name]) ) deltas = np.array([1 for t in times_start] + [-1 for t in times_stop]) times_unsorted = np.array(times_start + times_stop) argsort = np.argsort(times_unsorted) ts = times_unsorted[argsort] nbws = np.cumsum(deltas[argsort]) ts2 = [] nbws2 = [] for i, t in enumerate(ts[:-1]): nbw = nbws[i] ts2.append(t) ts2.append(ts[i + 1]) nbws2.append(nbw) nbws2.append(nbw) times[name] = ts2 nb_workers[name] = nbws2 plt.figure() ax = plt.gca() ax.set_xlabel("time (s)") ax.set_ylabel("number of workers") ax.set_title(self._title, fontdict={"fontsize": 12}) lines = [] for i, name in enumerate(self.names_works): (l,) = ax.plot(times[name], nb_workers[name], f"C{i}-") lines.append(l) ax.legend(lines, names, loc="center left", fontsize="x-small")