Source code for

"""Works - processing

This subpackage defines some works. A work does a processing. It has
initialization parameters and after initialization is able to produce an output
object from an input object. It can also take more than one input objects
and/or return more than one output objects.

A work is made of one or more work units. In particular, it could be useful to
define input/output and computational works.

.. autosummary::



.. autoclass:: BaseWork

.. autoclass:: BaseWorkFromSerie

.. autoclass:: BaseWorkFromImage


import time
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from copy import deepcopy
from typing import Optional

from fluiddyn.util.paramcontainer import ParamContainer
from fluiddyn.util.serieofarrays import SerieOfArraysFromFiles, SeriesOfArrays

from .. import imread

[docs]class BaseWork(ABC): def __init__(self, params=None): self.params = params
[docs] @classmethod @abstractmethod def _complete_params_with_default(cls, params): """Complete an object with the default params"""
[docs] @classmethod def create_default_params(cls): "Create an object containing the default parameters (class method)." params = ParamContainer(tag="params") cls._complete_params_with_default(params) return params
class BaseWorkWithCalculMethod(BaseWork): @abstractmethod def calcul(self, obj_input): """Calcul something from an object"""
[docs]class BaseWorkFromSerie(BaseWorkWithCalculMethod): """Base class for work taking as argument a SerieOfArraysFromFiles""" _series: SeriesOfArrays
[docs] @classmethod def _complete_params_with_default(cls, params): params._set_child( "series", attribs={ "path": "", "str_subset": "pairs", "ind_start": "first", "ind_stop": None, "ind_step": 1, }, doc=""" Parameters indicating the input series of images. - path : str, {''} String indicating the input images (can be a full path towards an image file or a string given to `glob`). - str_subset : 'pairs' String indicating as a Python slicing how couples of images are formed. There is one couple per value of `i`. The values of `i` are set with the other parameters `ind_start`, `ind_step` and `ind_stop` approximately with the function range (`range(ind_start, ind_stop, ind_step)`). Python slicing is a very powerful notation to define subset from a (possibly multidimensional) set of images. For a user, an alternative is to understand how Python slicing works. See for example this page: Another possibility is to follow simple examples: For single-frame images (im0, im1, im2, im3, ...), we keep the default value 'i:i+2' to form the couples (im0, im1), (im1, im2), ... To see what it gives, one can use IPython and range: >>> i = 0 >>> list(range(10))[i:i+2] [0, 1] >>> list(range(10))[i:i+4:2] [0, 2] We see that we can also use the value 'i:i+4:2' to form the couples (im0, im2), (im1, im3), ... For double-frame images (im1a, im1b, im2a, im2b, ...) you can write >>> params.series.str_subset = 'i, 0:2' In this case, the first couple will be (im1a, im1b). To get the first couple (im1a, im1a), we would have to write >>> params.series.str_subset = 'i:i+2, 0' - ind_start : int, {'first'} - ind_step : int, {1} - int_stop : None """, )
[docs] def get_serie(self, index_serie: Optional[int] = None): """Get a serie as defined by params.series""" if not hasattr(self, "_series"): p_series = self.params.series self._series = SeriesOfArrays( p_series.path, p_series.str_subset, ind_start=p_series.ind_start, ind_stop=p_series.ind_stop, ind_step=p_series.ind_step, ) if index_serie is None: index_serie = self._series.ind_start return deepcopy(self._series.get_serie_from_index(index_serie))
[docs] def process_1_serie(self, index_serie: Optional[int] = None): """Process one serie and return the result""" serie = self.get_serie(index_serie) print("Process from arrays", serie.get_name_arrays()) t_start = time.perf_counter() result = self.calcul(serie) print(f"Calcul done in {time.perf_counter() - t_start:.2f} s") return result
[docs] def calcul_from_arrays(self, *arrays, names=None): """Calcul from images""" names = [f"array{i}" for i in range(len(arrays))] t_start = time.perf_counter() result = self.calcul({"arrays": arrays, "names": names}) print(f"Calcul done in {time.perf_counter() - t_start:.2f} s") return result
[docs]class BaseWorkFromImage(BaseWorkWithCalculMethod): """Base class for work taking as argument an image""" serie: SerieOfArraysFromFiles
[docs] @classmethod def _complete_params_with_default(cls, params): params._set_child("images", attribs={"path": "", "str_subset": None}) params.images._set_doc( """ Parameters indicating the input image set. - path : str, {''} String indicating the input images (can be a full path towards an image file or a string given to `glob`). - str_subset : None String indicating as a Python slicing how to select images from the serie of images on the disk. If None, no selection so all images will be processed. """ )
def _init_serie(self): p_images = self.params.images self.serie = SerieOfArraysFromFiles(p_images.path, p_images.str_subset) return self.serie
[docs] def get_tuple_image_name(self, index_image: int = 0): """Get an image and its name""" if not hasattr(self, "serie"): self._init_serie() return self.serie.get_tuple_array_name_from_index(index_image)
[docs] def process_1_image(self, index_serie: int = 0): """Process one serie and return the result""" tuple_image_name = self.get_tuple_image_name(index_serie) print("Process from image", tuple_image_name[1]) t_start = time.perf_counter() result = self.calcul(tuple_image_name) print(f"Calcul done in {time.perf_counter() - t_start:.2f} s") return result
def load_image(path): im = imread(path) return im