Source code for

"""Preprocess toolbox

A toolbox of filters which operate on a single image (numpy array).


.. autoclass:: PreprocToolsBase

.. autoclass:: PreprocToolsPy

.. autoclass:: PreprocToolsCV


import inspect

from fluidimage._opencv import error_import_cv2
from fluidimage.util import logger

[docs]class PreprocToolsBase: """Base class for wrapping preprocessing functions into a class.""" @classmethod def _get_backend(cls): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @classmethod def create_default_params(cls, params): """Create default parameters from the function argument list.""" tools = cls._get_backend() available_tools = tools.__all__ params = params._set_child( "tools", {"available_tools": available_tools, "sequence": None} ) for tool in available_tools: func = tools.__dict__[tool] # TODO: Replace with inspect.getfullargspec (Python >= 3). func_args = inspect.getcallargs(func) for arg in list(func_args.keys()): if arg in ["img"]: # Remove arguments which are not parameters del func_args[arg] func_args.update({"enable": False}) # New parameter child for each tool and parameter attributes # from its function arguments and default values params._set_child(tool, attribs=func_args) # Adds docstring to the parameter try: func_doc = func.func_doc except AttributeError: func_doc = func.__doc__ if func_doc is not None: enable_doc = ( "- enable : bool\n\n Set as `True` to enable the tool" ) params[tool]._set_doc(func_doc + enable_doc)
@classmethod def _complete_class_with_tools(cls): """ Dynamically add the global functions in this module as staticmethods of the present class. """ tools = cls._get_backend() available_tools = tools.__all__ for tool in available_tools: func = tools.__dict__[tool] # Add tools as `staticmethods` of the class setattr(cls, tool, func) def __init__(self, params): if type(self).__name__.endswith("CV") and error_import_cv2: raise error_import_cv2 self.params =
[docs] def apply(self, img): """ Apply all preprocessing tools for which `enable` is `True`. Return the preprocessed image (numpy array). Parameters ---------- img : array_like Single image as numpy array or multiple images as array-like object """ sequence = self.params.sequence if sequence is None: sequence = self.params.available_tools for tool in sequence: tool_params = self.params[tool] if tool_params.enable: logger.debug("Apply %s", tool) kwargs = tool_params._make_dict_attribs() for k in list(kwargs.keys()): if k == "enable": kwargs.pop(k) cls = self.__class__ img = cls.__dict__[tool](img, **kwargs) return img
[docs]class PreprocToolsPy(PreprocToolsBase): """Wrapper class for functions in _toolbox_py module.""" @classmethod def _get_backend(cls): from . import _toolbox_py as tools return tools
[docs]class PreprocToolsCV(PreprocToolsBase): """Wrapper class for functions in _toolbox_cv module.""" @classmethod def _get_backend(cls): from . import _toolbox_cv as tools return tools