How to find good PIV parameters?#

Fluidimage is designed to process several images in parallel with asynchronous “topologies”. However, the asynchronous PIV topology is not very convenient to look for the best parameters for a PIV computation. It is better to use the PIV “work” directly as in these examples:

"""To be run in IPython to find a good set of parameters"""

from fluidimage.piv import Work

params = Work.create_default_params()

params.series.path = "../../image_samples/Oseen/Images"

params.mask.strcrop = "30:250, 40:"

params.piv0.shape_crop_im0 = 32
params.piv0.displacement_max = 7

params.fix.correl_min = 0.2
params.fix.threshold_diff_neighbour = 8

params.multipass.number = 2
params.multipass.use_tps = "last"

work = Work(params=params)

piv = work.process_1_serie()

# piv.display(show_interp=True, scale=0.3, show_error=True)
piv.display(show_interp=False, scale=1, show_error=True)


The parameters in params.series are used to define a fluiddyn.util.serieofarrays.SeriesOfArrays and to select one serie (which represents here a couple of images). It is also what is done internally in the PIV topology. Have a look at our tutorial to discover how to use this powerful tool!

This other example includes a simple image-to-image preprocessing.

from fluidimage.image2image import apply_im2im_filter
from fluidimage.piv import Work

params = Work.create_default_params()

params.multipass.number = 2
params.multipass.use_tps = True

params.piv0.shape_crop_im0 = 32
params.piv0.displacement_max = 5
params.fix.correl_min = 0.2
params.fix.threshold_diff_neighbour = 8

params.mask.strcrop = "30:250, 100:"

path = "../../image_samples/Oseen/Images"
# path = '../../image_samples/Karman/Images'
params.series.path = path
params.series.str_subset = "i+1:i+3"

work = Work(params=params)

serie = work.get_serie()

# "image to image" filter
serie = apply_im2im_filter(serie, im2im="my_example_im2im.im2im")

piv = work.calcul(serie)

# piv.display(show_interp=True, scale=0.3, show_error=True)
piv.display(show_interp=False, scale=1, show_error=True)
