
Preprocess toolbox#

A toolbox for preprocessing images. Utilizes functions available from scipy.ndimage and skimage packages. cf. http://www.scipy-lectures.org/advanced/image_processing/




adaptive_threshold([img, window_size, offset])

Adaptive threshold transforms a grayscale image to a binary image.

equalize_hist_adapt([img, window_shape, nbins])

Contrast Limited Adaptive Histogram Equalization (CLAHE).

equalize_hist_global([img, nbins])

Increases global contrast of the image.

equalize_hist_local([img, radius])

Adaptive histogram equalization (AHE) emphasizes every local graylevel variations [1].

gamma_correction([img, gamma, gain])

Gamma correction or power law transform.

global_threshold([img, minima, maxima])

Trims pixel intensities which are outside the interval (minima, maxima).

imstats(img[, hist_bins])

rescale_intensity([img, minima, maxima])

Rescale image intensities, between the specified minima and maxima, by using a multiplicative factor.

rescale_intensity_tanh([img, threshold])

Rescale image intensities, using a tanh fit.

sharpen([img, sigma1, sigma2, alpha])

Sharpen image edges.

sliding_median([img, weight, window_size, ...])

Subtracts the median calculated within a sliding window from the centre of the window.

sliding_minima([img, weight, window_size, ...])

Subtracts the minimum calculated within a sliding window from the centre of the window.

sliding_percentile([img, percentile, ...])

Flexible version of median filter.

temporal_median([img, weight, window_shape])

Subtracts the median calculated in time and space, for each pixel.

temporal_minima([img, weight, window_shape])

Subtracts the minima calculated in time and space, for each pixel.

temporal_percentile([img, percentile, ...])

Flexible version of median filter.